
We are Happy to be partners with CAMP, makers of some of the worlds lightest and most functional crampons. The FROST is a crampon one that has a very specific end use for us here in Alaska. Whether your hunting the wet grassy slopes of Kodiak, or navigating the moraines of Dall infested Glaciers in August, the Frost crampon is a lightweight, on the go and easy to adjust crampon that will give you the traction you need, without the added points of a Mountaineering crampon.

6-point steel crampon
Easy adjust binding system with 2 ratchets
Double-width adjustment fi ts a large range of shoes and boots
Anti-balling plates and carrying case included
Compact 6-point steel crampons deliver precise traction for winter hiking and recreation. The Frost is worn under the mid-foot and heel to guarantee purchase especially when walking downhill where hikers are most prone to slipping. Double-width adjustment and 2-ratchet fast binding system fits a very large range of shoes and boots.


554 g, 19.5 oz

SKU: FROST Categories: , ,



Additional information

Weight 1.4 oz